Visa Sponsored Six Educators to Attend the National Jump$tart Educator Conference

Since 2013, Visa has sponsored 42 educators from 22 states. This year’s conference took place from November 1–3 and was attended by 335 educators from across the country. Visa hosted a private reception for the Innovative Educators and Jump$tart board members, providing educators an opportunity to discuss their teaching methods and network with community leaders.
Visa’s breakout session, led by Senior Director of Social Impact, Hugh Norton, featured a panel discussion with the six educators who were sponsored to attend the conference. This session, Practical Money Skills in the Classroom — An Educator's Point of View, reinforced how Visa's award-winning Practical Money Skills program provides students, educators and others with culturally relevant, innovative and engaging resources, including comprehensive classroom curricula for students in Pre-K through college. The panel explored how personal finance educators have utilized Visa’s resources to ensure a positive, lasting impact on students’ financial futures. Congratulations again to the recipients of Visa’s Practical Money Skills Innovative Educator Sponsorship.
Visa distributed free financial literacy resources including student workbooks, games, apps and comics.
Educators attending the conference picked up free materials for their classrooms including the Your Money, Your Future student workbook.
Visa’s panel discussion participants: Practical Money Skills in the Classroom — An Educator’s Point of View.
The financial education game cards including Financial Football, The Payoff and Guardians of the Galaxy: Rocket’s Powerful Plan comics were popular items at Visa’s booth.